As soon as your order ships, you will be provided with a tracking number via email so you can track the status of your shipment. If your order is sent via standard shipping, expect it to arrive in 6-14 business days for US and Canada. If your order is sent via Guaranteed Express shipping, expect it to arrive in 3-4 business days. You can also review your order and obtain tracking information by visiting the Order History section of your account.
Keep in mind that orders placed during peak shipping periods such as the first day of each month, promotional events, and holidays, may take an additional 1-2 business days to process due to the high volume of orders. We will do our best to fulfill your order as quickly as possible.
*Please note: Shipments arriving to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, APO/FPO locations, or Canada may be subject to longer transit times (up to 30 days) due to the carrier or location of station. We apologize, but at this time, expedited shipping is not available for Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, APO/FPO locations or Canada.
All US, Alaska, Hawaii, and APO/FPO location orders are shipped FedEx or USPS and will be delivered by your local postal carrier. Canada orders are shipped via Purolator Depot or Canada Post.